First : I'm a Christian, Conservative, Heat-Packing Patriot...So if you support Obama then tough beans, you should probably stop reading. Or better yet, you should read.
Second: I'm not trying to start an argument, just showing my views.
Third: This is an AWESOME article!
Canada's Free Press
Democratic Socialism 101
By JB Williams Saturday, October 25, 2008 (with the help of my son)
For the record, economic conditions don’t trickle up. They only trickle down…
If you don’t believe me, answer how long it took for the Democrat manufactured economic crisis on Wall Street to trickle down to Main Street? Good or bad, economic conditions always flow down hill. It’s gravity, stupid!
This is reality: economic conditions trickle down. Our only options therefore are these:
Do we want trickle down prosperity, or trickle down poverty?
Do we want trickle down freedom, or trickle down socialism?
Americans too young or too ill-educated to know that there is no “fairness” in socialism, aka communism-lite, or theft by quasi-democratic process, should spend a little time with my eleven year old son who already seems to grasp the difference between “freedom” and “free-stuff.”
Maybe a little Fifth Grade lesson in “mob rule” is in order here…
A Fifth Grade Lesson for Voters
From the mouths of babes – My son Joseph was dismayed by a few schoolmates who were regurgitating Obama campaign rhetoric on the school playground.
As a general rule, I answer my son’s social studies questions at homework time, but otherwise tell him that politics is not really for the fifth grade playground. Fifth graders can’t vote and they should really be focused upon simpler pleasures.
But he was very curious about this particular election and very disturbed by what seemed like obvious untruths to him. He had some good questions that deserved some honest answers… As is a habit of mine in such situations, I asked the questions so that he could come up with his own answers.
Question – What’s the difference between freedom and free-stuff?
Joseph – Freedom means I can be anything I want… There’s free-stuff? What kind of stuff is free?
Question – If you and two friends are visiting a fourth friends house and he has all kinds of cool stuff that none of you have, can the three of you simply take your “fair share” of his stuff so that you will all be equal?
Joseph – No… that would be stealing and not very nice!
Question – What if you all took a vote to decide what’s fair?
Joseph – That sounds fair…
Question – So three of you vote to divide up your friends stuff more evenly.
Joseph – Yeah…
Question – And the fourth friend, the one who owns all the cool stuff votes no?
Joseph – I would if I was him!
Question – Your friend just lost his cool stuff… You three outnumber him and by democratic process, you now have a right to your “fair share” of his stuff.
Joseph – But that’s not fair to him at all!
Question – But it was completely democratic. How could it not be fair?
Joseph – Didn’t our democracy just steal his freedom, and also his stuff?
Dad – That’s democracy! End of lesson…
Sadly, it seems that too many American voters have somehow lost sight of what my fifth grader was able to reason through, on his own. I guess common sense isn’t so common after all… at least beyond the fifth grade.
Intellectual elites aren’t overlooking such a simple common sense principle of freedom as well as cause and effect. They simply seek personal wealth and political power from promising to rob some Americans for the alleged benefit of other Americans.
And with pure democracy, what Thomas Jefferson referred to as “mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” – any numerical majority can run roughshod over any remaining minority. Since most people are not “rich,” that makes “rich” folks the minority easiest to run-over, democratically of course.
There’s a reason why Obama and other leftist Democrats promise to tax only 5% of Americans. The reason is “mob rule.” If the other 95% of the people are willing to allow 5% of Americans to be robbed on their behalf by democratic process, then “the mob” will make sure that Obama has the power to do so, and Obama can count on their support on Election Day.
Fortunately, 95% of Americans are not yet that well-indoctrinated. Only about 50% are. But imagine Obama promising the opposite…
What if Obama was running on a platform of taxing 95% of Americans for benefit of the 5%? Could he get more than 5% of the vote on Election Day? Mob rule won’t work that way. You must pander to the mob, not the minority.