Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Danger of Wal-Mart

If you actually enjoy going to Wal-Mart there is something seriously wrong with you. At least in Cedar and Orem anyway..I can't count the times I've acquired bruises by being run over by carts. Probably because I don't pay attention...But if I was a woman late for PTA meeting, had to make dinner for someone in relief society, and had 4 screaming kids with me; I'd run over a few people too..

But yesterday was the scariest of all.

Of course it takes you more time to get to your car once you've left the building than to do your shopping. I always wait for someone else to dart out in front of a car before I cross into the black asphalt mine-field. Well, yesterday was no different, there were herds of people bustling around so I felt it safe to cross. Just as I saw from my peripherals a Sequoia coming straight at me. The driver's eyes darting everywhere except where I was trying to cross (That's why insurance is more expensive for men).

I wasn't the only one crossing, obviously, but I was closest to the Sequoia. The first thing I did was step back a few steps but the Sequoia was going too fast so I started yelling. Okay, so it was more like panic babble...Anyway, there was an old man next to me that was yelling too. By that time, the grill was about 3 feet away from me and still moving.

I leaped back just as the old man leaped in front of me to shove me out of the way. A stranger was willing to put himself in front of a moving car for me. I can't explain how that feels..But, luckily the drivers window had been open and realized what was happening and slammed on his breaks with enough force to screech to a stop(after all, how fast can you dirve in a wal-mart parking lot). No one got hurt and I will never forget that old man.

Somewhere I'm sure that someone has been offended by, gotten upset with, dissapointed by, or is holding a grudge against this man. So If you actually read my psycho babble, promise me that you'll forgive someone who has offended you in the past, because they may have just put themselves in front of an SUV to save the life of a 23 year old girl.


Sheri said...

Yikes! That's scary! It touches me to hear that that man was willing to save you. I almost want to make him cookies.

Heather said...

I wanted to kiss him! haha

ibelaura said...

hey my email address is and the spice girl music ade you stop and look didn't it? then it did its job=)

Erin Hanson, LMT said...

This is one of the many reasons that Wal-Mart gives me anxiety attacks.
Aside from that though, I think you should write for a living. You're very descriptive and exciting!

Shad and Laura said...

Whoa- I'm going to have to agree with you on the whole Walmart craziness thing, but no one has tried to run me down in the parking lot yet! Oh- and by the way, I do NOT try to run people over even though I probably do fit that desciption- okay well, only the people whose kids are even more obnoxious than mine.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

That was nice of that man to do. I know the parking lot up here is pretty scary!! I know as I approach the doors of walmart for work I always have to watch because the parking lot isn't always free of cars and I know one day somebody in our parking lot will be hit.